12 November 2009

Late greetings

I had planned this great post to celebrate my blogoversary: What my blog means to me, what blogland and everyone inhabiting it means to me and so on - and then I completely forgot all about it. I'd even planned on writing the post early this week and scheduling it because i KNEW I wouldn't have the time to post on the day, and what happened? The procrastinating ghost and the green-eyed stress monster ganged up on me and nothing got posted.

I'd like to thank Teena in Toronto for popping by and congratulating me anyway, thus reminding me what terrible monsters inhabit my territory here in blogland.

Instead of writing that perfect post which would bring lots of people by my blog for a party, I spent Monday making some small stuff for Barbies, Tuesday making two penny-pouches and Wednesday watching people getting blue/red/purple (depending on difficulty) in their faces trying to test their lung capacity - Wednesday evening our house seller came by, and we finally agreed on the price for the foundations and the preparations for our patio and parking space in front of the new house. Yay! A few drawings to be shipped off to the building council and the builders can actually get some work done on our land!

As of today, the only thing that has happened to our plot since this is that the local farmer has harvested his oatmeal and left 5 cms of the stems on the plot, and a sign has come up saying there's a house to be built there. Not much to see - I'll post a pic when they start digging.

Today I've been poking needles in people all day, and I am very happy to report that the nurses at my practice are now using gloves and are a lot more aware of the fact that they need to worry a bit more about the hygiene side of things. Seems my little pointer to their boss upon leaving (I had an inquiry form to fill out then, and I simply stated that it didn't look too good) the last time made them address the issue.
Tomorrow - I don't know. Probably some more needle-poking, vaccines, some wounds to clean, and it will be my last day at that health care center. I sure have learnt some, and I'm quite sad to think I will never be working with them again - they've been great. I fully intend on getting my own vaccine for the swine flu (A (H1N1)) before leaving, but that depends on wether they have any spare doses in the afternoon before we go home - once prepared, the bottle only keeps for 24 hours.

Until next time, lots of love


Daffycat said...

Life gets in the way sometimes. Happy blogoversary anyway!

Jenna said...

Happy Blogoversary! Sorry I missed the event, too. :) Sounds like life is really busy for you, as usual. But at least the ball is rolling on the house. Really, once they break ground, it goes pretty quickly. I think ours was 3 months from ground-breaking to the final walk-through. I'm hoping that your construction will be similarly quick!

AdronsCatherine said...

Wishing you a belated happy blogiversary!!!