22 March 2008

Home again

So, what did all the snow look like? Well, something like this might give you an idea:

After a few days with sunny weather it still was not the least bit spring-like... But we had a great day out with the sled in the slope behind our house :)

The funeral went well; hubby's niece said it was the worst she had ever done, so she never ever wants to go to another funeral... She was crying the whole ceremony, but her mum was the same, so her handbag contained nothing but tissues... Some good stories were told about nana, and there were both laughs and tears - as it should be. It was very nice as funerals go, beautiful music and good psalms. The priest wasn't too longwinded either, which is always a good thing.

Now on to celebrate easter! Happy easter everyone!


patternnuts said...

(hugs) Funerals are never an easy thing.....

Happy Easter to you as well! What sorts of traditions do you have in your home?

Anonymous said...

happy birthday for the 26 march
comme la cigale