27 October 2009

Fabric give-away and exam results

This last exam has to be the quickest one yet: I was actually done after 15 minutes, but you're not allowed to leave the room until after 40 minutes, so I did the exam questions once more, checking everything at least twice before writing the answers on the reply form. And the results were in yesterday night (another record) - I passed. *happy dancing around the room* Now it's on to the serious stuff: respiratory diseases...

On another, more fun note, I entered a fab give-away at the Pumpkin Patch Primitives Quilt Shoppe Wish me lots of luck!


Nita said...

Congrats on your exam results - that's wonderful!
And I wish you luck on the giveaway - even tho I entered for it as well!

AdronsCatherine said...

Hooray!!!! Congratulations on passing your exam!